Testing Farm release 2023-03.1

Testing Farm is happy to be back with its second named release 2023-03.1 🎉.

Incompatible Changes

  • We had to update to Ansible 2.14 from the pre-historic version 2.9 we used for a longer time. Due to this, STI tests or prepare playbooks might break if command or shell was used with warn: false. The warn option for these modules was removed, so make sure to fix your tests or playbooks. An Example of a fix for the podman can be found here.


  • tmt updated from 1.19 to 1.21 (see also release notes for 1.20 and 1.21)

  • Artemis upgrade to v0.0.54, from a prehistoric version, this supports multiple enhancements in the release.

  • Ansible upgrades from 2.9 to 2.14, see Incompatible Changes


  • A lot of new pages have landed into our User Documentation

  • Improved tmt reproducer steps with artifact installation (thanks to Martin Pitt / Cockpit)

  • Results viewer now displays the error reason in the plan error summary

  • Hardware requirements are now supported in Public Ranch

  • Support for Polarion results exporter TFT-1503

  • Cloud costs reporting - Instances are now tagged with the Testing Farm user name and tags can be adjusted in the API TFT-1890 (A separate announcement is coming for this feature)


  • Fixed Testing Farm CLI issue waiting endlessly for very large plans (TFT-1738)

  • Testing Farm CLI fixes support for --hardware virtualization.is-virtualized=false (TFT-1807)

  • Updated CentOS Stream9 image to latest (TFT-1757)

  • Fixed handling of excludes for install prepare step, to exclude certain packages from installation (TFT-1541)

  • rhpkg is now available on the worker, bringing better support for standard-test-source role (TFT-1748)


List of important packages bundled in the worker image.

❯ podman run --entrypoint rpm quay.io/testing-farm/worker:2023-03.1 -q tmt standard-test-roles ansible podman beakerlib | sort | uniq


  • Error rate ~ 3.09% in the last 30 days

  • ~ 52k testing requests in the last 30 days